Born in Grozny, RF
Art school in Obninsk, 1994-1998, with honors
Russian International Academy for tourism, 2000-2006. Specification: menegnent of tourism;
Bachelor in Graphic Design in MEPhI University, 2003-2009.
Based on Obninsk, Kaluga rg.
Education of graphic designer opened for me one day a world of art from different sides.
I have realized I should always be in search and try new materials and new directions!
Painting has been my favorite subject since I studied at art school! And this skills and knowledge
I have been improving all my life. I’m a happy person! I’m lucky to do what I love! I have a desire
to create beauty and it makes me feel full of energy!

I prefer to create series of paintings, which allow to perceive my art objectively. Freely passing from one collection to another I intentionally switch my attention from one work to another coming back with fresh perception. Despite of everything in common, every painting is unique and it caries its exclusive massage which I express by my every brush stroke.

During the work I absolutely get into another world. And in this world I analyze shapes, colors, brush strokes and I absolutely immersed in process. Like Alice from the “through the looking glass” I’m inside my parallel world in the middle of a wonderful garden. There are outlandish nerds, tropical flowers and the most exotic fruits.

My work related to mirrors not only because I create my paintings on a reflective surface, but there is also a life hack. I have always a mirror behind my back. Any time I can turn back and look at my painting in the mirror. So, I can always check the proportions of the portrait or evaluate the balance of colors spots in the painting.

It may seem surprising I’m always inspired by fashion industry. Most of colorful compilations i take from the fashion magazines.
Looking through the magazine I take notice of the photographs. Finding a new colorful compilation new images start to appear in my mind, like the doors open wide to the mysterious garden. I enter and start looking at new creatures. It’s far world of oasis is protective shelter from outside world.

In my paintings I research the system of meaning and I unerdstand it always changes and every day new realities are born. Our life becomes faster and it needs more concentration and information analysis. I create collections of paintings thinking about states, where we can linger, stay, have a rest, where I could think about good things and get away from rush of our world.
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